Saturday, January 23, 2021

Hamanako Garden Park

On 2nd December 2020, hubby and I visited Hamanako Garden Park. The park is located in Hamamatsu city of Shizuoka prefecture. It is a lush city park built on the site of ‘2004 Pacific Flora Garden Exposition and the 21st National Urban Greenery Fair Shizuoka’. Hamanako Garden Park has an area of 560000 square meters, and hosts colorful floral displays, an observation tower, and spacious open lawns. The park is located on the shore of Lake Hamana, where we can relax and enjoy the seasonal scenery with different plant life all year round. The park is family friendly and popular with people of all ages. It offers winding paths throughout the site to walk around and enjoy various features.

On reaching Hamanako Garden Park, we realized that the park was huge and spacious. We enjoyed the nature while walking along the open green space in the park. In the photo below I am walking near the entrance area of the park.

We also clicked a few photos of us standing on a bridge over a waterway near the entrance of the park. Here I am posing for the camera.

Hubby is standing on the bridge over the waterway.

Beautiful waterway in the park

We saw several kinds of blooming flowers in the park. We enjoyed a leisurely stroll while viewing the vibrantly colored flowers. It was so relaxing to see the wonderful nature. The photo below is one of the flower beds in the park.

Me along with flowers

Next, we saw a 50-meter tall observation tower which is considered to be a symbol of the park. The tower commands a panoramic view of the vast park and Lake Hamana. The photo below is of me posing in front of the tower.

Observation tower as viewed from another angle.

This is the entrance area of the observation tower.

We took an elevator and headed to the topmost viewing area of the observation tower. From there we got beautiful panoramic views of the lush green forest. The vivid scenery of the park underneath simply took our breath away. The photo below is of the immediate surroundings and faraway mountains.

Lush green forest as viewed from the observation tower.

Beautiful green surroundings along with the brilliant Lake Hamana as viewed from the tower.

Hubby is enjoying the views from the top of the observation tower.

Lake Hamana and a bridge

Fantastic view from the tower

Beautiful view

Yet another photo of the park below

I am posing at the top floor of the observation tower

We left the observation tower after enjoying the wonderful lush green views and Lake Hamana from the top of the tower. While leaving the park, we saw a raft of ducks in a waterway.

A duck in the waterway

We enjoyed visiting Hamanako Garden Park. Afterwards, we visited two more places in Hamamatsu city about which I will write in the next post.